Thursday, July 5, 2012

Toward a service-centered generation

Is it possible the Me Generation – a term coined by writer Tom Wolf describing the self-involved qualities of Baby Boomers – is being replaced by a generation focused on service?  Perhaps. However, there’re still pressures to keep the age of narcissism alive and well: A sluggish economy creates fear for our well-being.  Companies still measure and reward individual instead of team results.  Some would say younger workers feel more entitled than their older peers. And our national identity is rooted in individual achievement.

Let’s face it, some amount of narcissism is bene­ficial and can create charismatic politicians, CEOs touting compelling visions and individuals’ committed to self-awareness and fulfillment. But a singular focus on oneself can damage relationships, impede innovation and squelch collaboration.  So how do you help employees move from “It’s all about me” to a focus on service?  Discuss the differences between self-serving goals and goals that serve others, and engage employees in developing a service-oriented purpose. Here are some suggestions.

At your next team meeting ask the group: What are we trying to be the best “AT” in the company?  And, how are we trying to be the best “FOR” the company?
“AT” goals focus on achievement and recognition.  “FOR” goals focus on how others will benefit.

Let me explain. Some might say Kobe Bryant at one point was the best AT basketball based on his career statistics, but Michael Jordan was the best FOR basketball due to his leadership and service to the community. Your son might be the best AT karate in your local studio, but would he be the best FOR the studio if he helped others and volunteered to sweep the floor? Your boss might be the best AT supply-chain management in your company, but would she be the the best FOR your company if she modeled open communication, collaborated with other departments and did what was right, even if it were unpopular? See what kind of discussion is created by asking these “At” and “For” questions.

Here is another idea. People consider their work meaningful if it includes valuable service to others.  So, engage your employees in de­fining the team’s mission, it’s unique reason for being, clear business goals, and how it’s going to be the best FOR the company by modeling service to others.

Facilitate a discussion around these basic questions: Who are we, what do we do, for whom do we do it and why? Initially, you’ll be amazed how much disagreement there is and, later, how much alignment, focus and energy come from this process.

If you use both suggestions your team members won’t stop thinking about what’s best for them. Rather, they’ll include thinking about what’s best for others.  And by connecting all of us to a purpose of benefitting others, maybe we can leave the age of narcissism and enter the age of service. 

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